Tuesday 26 December 2017

Christmas Celebration at Kalapurnam Institute 2018

As per one of our student who participate in our Christmas theme workshop held in our Kalapurnam Institute.
We are the student Interior Designing and here our experience was very good to be part of this Competition. We had learnt a lot from this competition and very happy to be part of this workshop. We made couple of things first is Snow Man and other is Christmas tree. We made this Christmas tree from  Magazine paper and used plastic glass to make our Snow man. We choose Snow man because most of the people think only of Christmas tree and Santa claus on Christmas but Snowman is also very big part of it.  It represent the snow, the winter where Santa claus run his  reindeers. Mainly we focus that we made our project from  waste material and our motto was to represent this project was, "Best out of Waste" Mostly people use Snowman from cotton but we used plastic glass and LED lighting to make a creative way.  We are thankful Kalapurnam Institute that we have learnt from here and we also enjoy a lot. 


  1. Le système de positionnement global (GPS) a été créé par le département américain de la Défense pour répondre à la deuxième question la plus importante d'une armée: «Où sommes-nous? (La question la plus importante étant: "Où est la ligne de chow?")

    meilleur gps iphone
